Docker is a set of platform as a service products that use OS-level virtualisation to deliver software in packages called containers. Containers are isolated from one another and bundle their own software, libraries and configuration files; they can communicate with each other through well-defined channels.
A Highly Reliable, Low-Cost Way To Build, Ship, & Run Distributed Apps At Any Scale. Docker Provides Simple Commands You Can Use To Build, Start, Or Stop Containers.
Category: Server
A server is a computer program that provides a service to another computer programs. In a data center, the physical computer that a server program runs in is also frequently referred to as a server. That machine may be a dedicated server or it may be used for other purposes as well.
Ubuntu: Creating virtual host
Virtual Hosting allows web servers to host more than one website on a single machine. It allows you to access the local repository using addresses such as instead of http://localhost/mysite/.
Htaccess: Htaccess tips
A .htaccess (hypertext access) file is a directory-level configuration file supported by several web servers, that allows for decentralized management of web server configuration.
Ubuntu: Install SSL in apache2
SSL is a Secure Sockets Layer, a protocol for encrypting information over the Internet.
Ubuntu: How to add GNOME panel
This is the instruction to add GNOME panel which was deleted in ubuntu.
// Use gconftool-2 to customize Gnome
gconftool-2 –shutdown
rm -rf ~/.gconf/apps/panel
// Kill Then Reanimate Your GNOME Panel
pkill gnome-panel
Thank You
Ubuntu: Adding entries(eclipse) in GNOME menu
I’m using Ubuntu 12.4, and I’d like to automate the addition of some menu items in GNOME menu But i lost to find eclipse. So i am adding eclipse in GNOME as following steps.
Ubuntu: Configure XDebug and Eclipse PDT
Xdebug is a PHP debugger with Eclipse integration. Here are some instructions for installing it .
First login in ubuntu
Then install xdebug by running below command
sudo apt-get install php5-xdebug
after installation you should edit below file
sudo gedit /etc/php5/conf.d/xdebug.ini
Add below this line
Error : SWT browser is not available
Sometime eclipse display above error.To fix the above error, please install below package.
Now you are able to debug php code with help of eclipse.
Converting character encoding
Introduction ICONV
Iconv is a computer program and a standardized API used to convert between different character encodings.
This module contains an interface to iconv character set conversion facility. With this module, you can turn a string represented by a local character set into the one represented by another character set, which may be the Unicode character set. Supported character sets depend on the iconv implementation of your system. Note that the iconv function on some systems may not work as you expect. In such case, it’d be a good idea to install the » GNU libiconv library. It will most likely end up with more consistent results.
ImageMagick: Resize, Covert and Merge Image
Use ImageMagick to convert, edit, or compose bitmap images in a variety of formats. In addition resize, rotate, shear, distort and transform images automagically.